A Bouquet of roses that never dies? Sign me up! The Gumdrop Hat is a structured, round beret style hat, The Everlasting Roses Gumdrop Hat features a pink base that has been filled to the brim with pink foam roses, leaving only the Elleni label visible. Light in weight but heavy with style, this is the only bouquet you need this Valentines Day!
Also available in half a dozen roses if the full bouquet is too much!
As part of the Heart to Get, Valentine's Collection, The Everlasting Roses Gumdrop Hat will be made in limited quantities.
Each Everlasting Roses Gumdrop Hat is lovingly hand crafted, so may differ slightly from the one pictured. Please only spot clean and be careful in the rain.
Hat Base: 100% Wool
One Size: 56cm, with ties to pull tighter
Model's head is approx. 56cm in circumference and hats fit with some extra room, designed to sit on the crown rather than the full circumference